Okay, really, I am not (instead it’s quarantine like many others), but yet again site update didn’t happen for a bit. XD Anyways, I hope all of you reading this are staying safe in these times.
There’s a lot to unbox and wind down with this time, so let’s take it easy.
Bad Command or File Name – “USTURKEY.EXE”.
I already had that sort of harvest celebration food a month or more ago, anyway. Yay, different locales and nationalities.
Expect another update quite soon as I draw more things and scan them.
Continue reading “Bad Command or File Name – “USTURKEY.EXE”.”
WISE FWOM YOUW GWAVE (also uh, hooray, Inktober 2018?)
No, this site isn’t dead. But being busy does hinder with the ability to update this. GJ me, for I have failed my own goals with this. :U
Anyways, let’s get a few updates going. Expect draft-tier work as usual; I don’t know if I even finish illustrations unless they’re draft quality, hahaha…..
Continue reading “WISE FWOM YOUW GWAVE (also uh, hooray, Inktober 2018?)”