Okay, really, I am not (instead it’s quarantine like many others), but yet again site update didn’t happen for a bit. XD Anyways, I hope all of you reading this are staying safe in these times.
There’s a lot to unbox and wind down with this time, so let’s take it easy.
On time…by Valve standards
I’ll blame work-exacerbated duress for this significant delay. Another update is probably incoming shortly.
WISE FWOM YOUW GWAVE (also uh, hooray, Inktober 2018?)
No, this site isn’t dead. But being busy does hinder with the ability to update this. GJ me, for I have failed my own goals with this. :U
Anyways, let’s get a few updates going. Expect draft-tier work as usual; I don’t know if I even finish illustrations unless they’re draft quality, hahaha…..
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